此文是对申请英国Tier 4 学生签证所需要提交的资金证明的详解。本文所提供的全部信息仅适用于中国申请人。若本文内任何信息与英国内政部,签证与移民局或签证中心的任何指导文件有相悖之处,请遵循官方文件及指导。作者不为因遵循本文指导准备签证材料而导致的拒签负责。
Home Office签证指南中对资金有如下的说明:(第42页开始)
- You must show that you have enough money to cover your course fees and living costs. (出具资金证明的必须性)
- If you are starting a new course, you must show that you have enough money to pay for your course fees for the first year of your course or for the entire course, if it is less than a year long. (有能力支付一年的课程费,或不足一年课程的全部费用)
- If you have no fees to pay to your Tier 4 sponsor, your CAS must confirm that there are no fees due (for example, if these have been paid to an overseas Higher Education provider). (如果无需向Tier 4赞助人付费,则CAS上必须说明)
- You must show that you have:
£1,265 per month for living costs if you are studying in London for the majority of your study (more than 50% of your study time);
£1,015 per month for living costs if you are studying outside London or anywhere else in the UK for the majority of your study (more than 50% of your study time). (生活费:必须至少体现的数额,按内政部的这个指导价执行,伦敦1265镑每月,其他地方1015镑每月) - You can use money held in an account owned by you or by your parents or legal guardian. If you are a Tier 4 (General) student and using funds held by your parent(s)/legal guardian(s), you will need to show us evidence that you are related to your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and that you have their permission to use this money. (资金可以来源于自己的账户,父母或法定监护人的账户,注意其他亲属的账户是不被接受的)
- The evidence of money that you use must be:
• cash funds in the bank (this includes savings accounts and current accounts even when notice must be given); or
• a loan letter (the loan must be provided by your national government, state or regional government, or by a government sponsored student loan company or be part of an academic or educational loans scheme); or
• official financial or government sponsorship available to you. (银行存款,贷款,官方或政府给予你的奖学金可以被接受)
Other accounts or financial instruments such as shares, bonds, overdrafts, credit cards and pension funds are not acceptable, regardless of notice period. (这些形式的财产不能被接受)Certificates of deposit are only acceptable if they do not indicate that funds are frozen. (存款证明不能显示资金被冻结,实际上开具存款证明必须冻结资金,只要不写在纸面上就行了。存款证明的原件会返还给你,所以不用担心资金无法取出的问题) - If you are using overseas currency, we will expect you to show (in writing on your application form) the closing balance in pounds sterling. We use the official exchange rate on the OANDA website, which can be found here. (使用外币时的汇率来源)
- Your sponsor can include details of the money you have already paid to them on your CAS. If your Tier 4 sponsor has included details of money paid to them on your CAS, no further documents are needed to show that this money has been paid. If you do not know if your Tier 4 sponsor has included this information you will need to check this with your Tier 4 sponsor. Any money for fees and maintenance that are not shown on your CAS must be shown in a different manner by you. (收到的奖学金和已经支付的费用,如果写进了CAS,则无须再提交任何证明。这可以省去很多麻烦,所以收到CAS时候,一定要检查资金部分,是否有遗漏的奖学金和已经支付的费用)
192. You must show that you have held the required money for a consecutive 28 day period (finishing on the date of the closing balance) ending no more than 31 days before your application. (注意:非常重要!你提交的任何资金证明,必须体现这笔资金已经连续被你持有28天,并且最后的余额日期不能早于申请日期前31天,注意申请日期是网申时缴费的日期)
Personal bank or building society statements covering a consecutive 28 day period ending no more than 31 days before the date of your application. (注意:国内银行一般没有给普通的账户开月结单,也就是statement的习惯。以下是一张bank statement样本)

Building society pass book covering a consecutive 28 day period ending no more than 31 days before the date of your application.
Letter from your bank confirming funds have been held for a consecutive 28 day period ending no more than 31 days before the date of your application.
Letter from a financial institution regulated by either the Financial Conduct Authority, the Prudential Regulatory Authority or, in the case of overseas accounts, the home regulator (official regulatory body for the country the institution is in and where the money is held) for the purpose of personal savings accounts, confirming funds have been held for a consecutive 28 day period ending no more than 31 days before the date of the application.
Letter from a regulated financial institution confirming a loan
- 银行的存单
- 个人存款证明(这个没有在内政部指南中列出,但是中国有很多申请人在用,所以在受理中国的签证申请时也是可以接受的材料)
- 银行的流水单
- 银行针对你的情况出具的证明信函(不常见)

如果资金在父母 / 法定监护人名下:内政部要求提供两种材料,分别是证明关系的材料,和授权你使用他们相关资金的材料。
- If you a Tier 4 (General) student and are relying on money held by your parent(s)/legal guardian(s), you must show that you are related to them and must provide one of the following:
i. your birth certificate showing the names of your parent(s)/legal guardian(s); or
ii. your certificate of adoption showing names of both parent(s) or legal guardian(s); or
iii. a Court document naming your legal guardian(s). The document use must be the original legal document or a notarised copy. (可以接受的关系证明:出生医学证明,领养证明,法院出具的监护关系证明) - If you are relying on money held by your parents(s)/legal guardian, you must also show that your parent(s)/legal guardian have given their permission for you to use this money. You must provide: a letter from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The letter must confirm:
• the relationship between you and your parent(s) or legal guardian(s);
• that your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have given their consent to you using their funds to study in the UK. (授权信,载有你和父母的姓名,关系,以及允许你使用他们的资金来在英国学习的字样)
- 户口本
- 独生子女证
- DNA亲子鉴定