Welcome to my blog!

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Welcome to Matthew Wang’s blog!

This blog contains posts in both English and Chinese, while all pages should be written in English. For convenience, each topic will be assigned a unique integer thread, followed by language code (EN for English, ZH for Chinese). The same content published in two languages will, therefore, share the same thread but with different language codes.

This site has multi-language feature installed. To view Chinese articles, please go to the dedicated page for those. You may also find articles with language options where one is written in both languages.

Please be aware that, the “Leave a comment” unit may not display correctly when connecting from mainland China.


This site is mainly constructed for experimental purpose. Uptime and stability has improved significantly since its inception but you may still experience some infrequent downtime and/or speed issues particularly when loading high-resolution photographs. If you find yourself unable to visit some or all pages here, or you have found other technical problems, regarding either new or existing functions, please notify me by emailing [email protected] and I will try my best to investigate the issue.

I will be very grateful for any feedback on user experience.

Long live the Spirit of St. Louis

In forever memory of Captain Charles Augustus Lindbergh (February 4, 1902 – August 26, 1974), after whom the aviation industry transformed from large toys into serious business.