
[073EN] The implementation of a multithread software in MATLAB – Part 2: Two Way Communication

This content highlights the use of MATLAB’s parallel computing functions to facilitate communications between user processes and worker processes. The text describes how to set up data queues to send messages back and forth, and how to identify which parallel worker is running a specific process. The method involves the use of MATLAB’s parallel.pool.DataQueue and parallel.pool.PollableDataQueue with appropriate callbacks or polling mechanisms. It outlines how to establish a queue, send and receive messages, and identify the processes on each worker. The content also mentions future topics, such as handling large data transfer with memory maps.

[068EN] Setting up and using the Assisted Flight Plan Exchange

Private pilots filing flight plans can connect to the AFTN via the UK’s AFPEx, providing direct network access similar to airlines. Application for AFPEx requires accurate licensure details, with the setup available for Windows and Linux. AFPEx facilitates AFTN message exchange, including flight plans and weather requests, with private pilots responsible for security and proper usage.