[050EN]Glider Flight No.74: Circuit from GRL RWY34

This is a flight from Gransden Lodge Runway 34. This runway is very rarely used in GRL these days except for those days where the wind direction and strength make it unfeasible to operate on 04/22, which allows for the parallel take-off and landing operations. On runway 34 every landing will block the runway for a substantial period, therefore, the efficiency is not great.

This is my second flight of the day, the first one was poorly flown that I prefer not to present. The launch is very rough, which made the instructor think there might be lift ahead of the runway, as seen in the video. Because of the short length of this runway, hardly could anyone launch higher than 1000ft on a winch, which does not allow for a lot of time to look for thermals. Turned downwind 1 minute after launch, and the circuit is mostly well flown, with the exception that the downwind leg was not long enough, causing the glider to arrive high.

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