For a list of the galleries available on this site, you may wish to read the Gallery Index.
Worth a thousand words, we call it. Images displayed here tell stories, instead of convince technical points which readers have plenty of chances to bore themselves with in the relevant posts. Many images here deserve a full-sized post on their own, but I shall try to be concise in the narration so that you can focus on appreciating the view.
I never claimed to be a good photographer (and indeed I am not), and some photographs displayed here were shot with my mobile phone by a random press on the screen, just as some others were carefully composed and shot with prime lens and professional film. I find it hardly matters whether or not I considered it as ‘serious photography’ at the moment I shot the picture, when I come back and look at them several months or a couple of years later: it is the same joy of refreshing memory. Undeniably, serious photography is good fun on its own.
When applicable, technical details of the photography will be included for reference, but they are almost the least important in the appreciation of the pictures. I cannot reproduce the works of Cartier-Bresson even if I had the exact kit and the same parameters: it is the storytelling skills that matter.
Computer graphics may be present in these galleries if needed.
The small print: please get in contact for commercial use or cite the source for personal use.